One doesn’t have to look far to find anti-Bernie bias in the media, generally in the form of ignoring the fact that he exists. Here’s one I noticed yesterday in the NYT, in an article talking about what a clown Trump is. At one point they mention “Polling shows that he would enter the general election trailing badly against Hillary Clinton”
That plays well into the establishment message that we have to settle for Clinton because Bernie Sanders would be unelectable, and we need Clinton to make sure that (pick a Republican) doesn’t win.  Never mind that polls show that people prefer Bernie Sanders over Trump by a much wider margin than they prefer Clinton. Clinton currently leads by 11.2 points, while Sanders leads Trumb by 17.4 point. In other words the preference of Sanders over Trump exceeds peoples preference of Clinton over Trump by more than 60%.
The NYT doesn’t seem to find that newsworthy.